A picture is worth 292 words right Ms. Aikens? haha
He is the best player on the team and also my personal favorite. And oh did I forget to mention he's a switch hitter too? Chipper won the 1999 National League MVP Award, as well as the 1999 and 2000 National League Silver Slugger Award for third basemen. He currently holds the Braves team record for career On base percentage (.406), and on May 31, 2006, he passed Hank Aaron for second place on the Atlanta Braves all-time career home run list. On July 5, 2007, he passed Dale Murphy for the Atlanta club record of 372 home runs.
He is behind only Mickey Mantle and Eddie Murray on the all-time switch hitters career home run list. He is considered one of the game's best all-around hitters, and one of the best switch hitters in the history of the game. He is the only switch hitter in Major League Baseball history to have a .300+ career (.310 at the end of the 2008 season) batting average and 400 home runs.
So try to disagree with me that he's not awesome.
I did all these things and I had problems with the speaker and irony and theme. I couldn't tell if the speaker was the author or someone else. She is also latin and she said they prey and not we pray. I said the irony of the poem was the huge gap of Christianity and Latin Women. Like they used brown daughters and Great White Father, Spanish to an Anglo God, and other things to show the gap. And I ended with the theme being that it was a culture/identity. The theme I said was even though there is a huge gap to what you believe in. Its you way of life you can belice anything you want to. And she told me today I got an A!!!
In 1959, at an elementary school in Lexington, Massachusetts, a time capsule containing the students' drawings of their ideas of the future is buried and set to be ceremoniously opened 50 years later. A girl named Lucinda contributes a page full of random numbers. That night, Lucinda is found in a school closet, where her fingers are bloodied and she complains about hearing voices. Like she was interrupted by the teacher and she dug those numbers into the door with her fingernails. It was pretty gorey.
In present time 2009, the time capsule is opened and the drawings are given to the current students. A boy named Caleb receives Lucinda's envelope. His father (Nicolas Caige), a widower and professor of astrophysics at MIT takes notice in the paper, and he soon realizes that part of these digits form dates and death tolls of every major disaster over the past fifty years, and suggests three disasters yet to come. I guessed this part, the first date he noticed was 9/11/01 and after that it had 2000 something. Meanwhile, Caleb begins receiving visits from mysterious figures in overcoats, he called them the Whispers, and during his encounters he hears their whispers in his head.
I'm not goin to get much detail after that in case you are reading this and havent seen the movie. Nicolas Caige tries to stop the next events and isn't able to. He tries to find Lucinda's daughter which he does and later on they team up to figure out a way to stop the timeline from coming true. Well the whispers were bad people, they were warning Earth of what was coming. When the numbers ran out. Everyone else was goin to die. And the way everyone die was because of the sun. The sun was having crazy flares and one shout out and destroyed everything on Earth. Except for Caleb and a bunch of other children. The whispers took them to a new planet and on the new planet there was this big white tree. A biblical refrence to the garden of eden I'm guessing and Caleb and Lucinda's grand daughter are the new Adam and Eve.
The funniest thing I noticed which my friends didn't catch was the bunnies. Caleb and Lucinda's granddaughter were allowed to take bunnies with them. Well bunnies are known for their population growth. Which caleb and the girl need to do to start over.
The name is Christopher Longson Lewis and I'm nineteen years old. I have an ordinary family, if u call a twin sister two brothers and one of them is autistic normal. I'm a normal guy i guess u can say, i attended Westside High School and i plan getting a degree in accountanting at MSC but im not sure if thats what i really want to do. The one thing i know for sure what to do is begin a life with my highschool sweet heart Kaeli Jones, I love her so much, we have our ups and downs but we love each other to death. Last Friday was actually our twenty one months.
So more about me. I'm sometimes shy at first before you get to know me but I open up really quick. I'm a kid at heart and always will be. I like going to the movies, hanging out with friends, and most of all spending time with my girl friend. Do you know some people who are very cute when they are young but get less attractive as they get older? Well I think I'm like that. I was rejected three times when asking a girl out so I gave up. I'll admit I had zero confidence but hey thats who I was. I think I grew out of that but I'm not entirely sure.
One of my favorite activities ever when hanging out with the guys is football. I always want to play tackle cause it'll make things more interesting. I always try to get people to go out and play at Springdale (thats the elementary school I went to). It's alot of fun and I even broken my nose playing too. I told my friend to throw lower cause we can jump three feet in the air. Well next play the ball is thrown to me and it was over my head and so I reached up and grabbed for it. My friend than charged at me and my nose was the first thing he hit with his shoulder. I bled for about ten minutes and started playing again. I know it wasn't smart but thats how I am. I keep playing not caring how much it hurts.