Monday, March 9, 2009

Georgia Weather

So I'm loooooong over due to do some blogs for english class, so today I'm going to make up for them, well at least try to.

Georgia weather is the craziest thing ever. Last Saturday, February 28, we had a torando or two. The next day we had SNOW! It's been about a few years since we had snow stick to the ground. The best part of the snow day for me was the fact that I actually got to see the snow falling. I've experienced snow days three or four days in my life and I never remember seeing snow falling. I've always waken up to it in the morning and seen it on the ground already.

The snow day was fun I guess. We took our three dogs out, all dachshunds, and two of them loved playing in the snow. The other one was scared. She was whimpering after five minutes being out there. I don't think it's because she was cold because we put a doggy sweater on her. The funniest thing was when Christina built a snow man and that joker lasted four days.

As the week went on, it got warmer and warmer and today it got 83 degrees at one point. Thats hot for me. Going from heavy clothings to shorts.

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