Thursday, April 30, 2009

For laughs

A picture is worth 292 words right Ms. Aikens? haha

I'm getting a raise!

That's right I'm getting a raise. My boss told us that if everyone had enhancers in 20% of the smoothies. Everyone would get a raise. I ended up around 25% and I'm happy. I'm not sure how much higher it will go up but I don't care. A raise is a raise. The enhancers we put in our smoothies is a little bit of powder that we put it. It's either two tea spoons or a table spoon. The enhancers that we put in there are:


Helps protect cells from free radical damage. Contains Pomegranate, Goji, Acai, Vitamins A, C, E and Selenium.

Caffeine Charge

Helps supply quick energy, mental clarity and a sustained energy boost. Contains pure caffeine and MSM (contains 125mg of caffeine, equal to about 1 cup of coffee).

Diet Down

Excellent for assisting with appetite control and metabolizing fat and carbohydrates. Contains Chromium Picolinate, Garcinia Cambogia, L-Carnitine and other nutrients to assist in fat burning.


Helps increase energy, brain function and mental alertness. Contains Ginkgo Biloba, Siberian Ginseng and is stimulant free.


Helps support immune function while providing antioxidant protection. Contains Vitamin C, Green Tea, Zinc, Echinacea, Selenium and Beta Carotene.

Joint & Tissue Repair

Contains MSM a natural additive to assist with pain relief, detoxification, inflammatory conditions, bolster immunity, and may help the body's resistance to stress. A source of sulfur, vital for healthy hair, skin and nails.


Contains all the B-Complex vitamins to help improve the health of cardiovascular systems, nervous system, hair, skin, and nails and assist in converting food into energy. Contains antioxidant Vitamins C and E, Zinc and Selenium along with other nutrients to support immune function and protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals.

Muscle Builder

Helps build muscle, increase strength and endurance and speed up recovery time after workouts. Contains 100% pure Creatine Monohydrate and amino acids L-Glutamine and Taurine.

Stress Relief

Assists in reducing anxiety, improving focus without slowing you down and bolstering a stress-depleted immune system. Contains L-Theanine, Sarsaparilla Root, Siberian Ginseng, Astragalus, Fo Ti and many other soothing herbs.

Fiber Blend

8g of Soluble Fiber. Helps protect against heart disease, diabetes, diverticular disease and constipation.

I normally put diet down and anti-oxidant in my Peach Slice Plus. The smoothie is made up of strawberries, peaches, and papaya. The diet down helps me watch my appetite and helps burn it off during the day. Anti-oxidants are really good for you too and thats why I put those in my smoothies.

English 1102 Final

So I got really mad at myself today. This morning I took my English 1102 final over Othello. I had no clue what the topics were but everyone else did. Our professor had sent an e-mail yesterday about the topics that were going to be on the final. I was so mad at myself. I could have looked at one of the topics and took notes and gotten an easy A on the final but no I had to start from scratch. At least we got to use our book and notes. That helped alot. Well the topic I did was:

Jealousy – Othello & Iago – Compare and contrast each man’s motivation for jealousy. How does each man’s attitude and actions connected with jealousy finally destroy him? In what way does each character’s pride and obsession in addition to jealousy contribute to his downfall? What makes Cassio exempt from the pitfalls the other two men are subject to?

This topic was probably the easiest one for me. I had to talk about the topic and it had to be three pages long. It was pretty easy for me. Othello and Iago's jealousy was all over the place in the story. I talked about each character and their flaws. Than I talked about the actions they each did and what their down fall was. I also said Cassio had no fault in the story. Iago was the puppet master of the whole thing. Everything Cassio did that was wrong was because of Iago.

I'm definitely sure I got a least a B and hopefully I got an A out of this class. I really enjoyed this alot better than my class in highschool.

Another Facebook Note haha

Be honest, No Matter What!

If you get tagged, you have to do one!

1.) Have you ever been asked out?

2.) where was your default picture taken?
don't have one on here

3.) what's your middle name?

4.) your current relationship status?
Taken Forever =)

5.) does your crush like you back?

6.) what is your current mood?

7.) what color of underwear are you wearing?

8.) what color shirt are you wearing?
black senior shirt

9.) Missing something?
not really

10.) if you could go back in time and change something, what would you do?
a few things

11.) if you must be an animal for one day, what?

12.) Ever had to tell your biggest secret?
yep yep

13.) something you do a lot?
be a dork

14.) the song stuck in your head?
don't want to think of one cause it will get stuck

15.) who did you copy and paste this from?

16.) name someone with the same birthday as you?
hmmm thats a hard question haha

17.) when was the last time you cried?
not sure

18.) have you ever sung in front of a large audience?

19.) if you could have one super power what would it be?
be like jeane of x-men but without the crazy psycho side

20.) what's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
their face

21.) what do you usually order from Starbucks?
never go

22.) what's your biggest secret?

23.) favorite color?

24.) do you still watch kiddie movies or tv shows?
yep, i'll always my inner child in me

25.) what's on your wall?
nothing really. there is a picture of pete rose sliding into third base when he played on the Macon Peaches that I really like

26.) what are you?
a twin

27.) do you speak any other language?

28.) what's your favorite smell?

29.) Describe your life in one or two words.

30.) have you ever kissed in the rain?

31.) what are you thinking about right now?
glad english is done with

33.) what should you be doing?
this for blogs

34.) who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
um not sure

35.) how often do u talk to God?
not as often as i need to

36.) do you like working in the yard?

37.) if you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?

38.) do you act differently around the person you like?

39.) what is your natural hair color?
dirty blonde

Another Note I liked....

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.

1. The reason I'm doing this note is cause I'm bored and in the library at school.
2. The love of my life is Kaeli Marie Jones.
3. I'll give you a dollar if you can tackle me by yourself in a game of football.
4. If you ever want to hurt me go for my emotional side cause i'm very sensitive.
5. I can remember mostly everyone's names and faces (I freak people out by doing that).
6. I have ugly feet, they are also wide. People call them hobbit feet.
7. I love math.
8. Love the Atlanta Braves, favorite player is Chipper Jones.
9. I've broken my pinkie and nose. (Thanks JD and Jesse haha).
10. Favorite band is Nickelback.
11. Last movie I saw in theatres was Underworld: Rise of the lycans. I havent seen the first two but now I want to.
12. The only people who ever text me is kaeli and jesse.
13. I'll always be a kid at heart.
14. I hate shaving my face as everyone prob can tell.
15. One of my favorite moments in senior year, was the pick up game during the picnic.
16. Favorite Disney movie ever is Aladdin.
17. I still have Abu, well Kaeli has it, from when I was little and I plan to give it to my children.
18. I want a white face monkey (like the monkey from Pirates of the Carribean) but I can't have one =/
19. I feel like some people talk bad about me behind my back.
20. For the longest time I felt like the ugliest person in the world.
21. I've let people walk over me my whole life.
22. I bite my nails way to much. (just said this cause i bit my nail)
23. I feel like my back is to big/wide for my body.
24. Speaking of 24, I kicked butt at the game.
25. I wonder if anyone will read all this.

A note I liked on Facebook...

1. Christopher
2. Chris
3. Brenda

1. Helped my dad move ALOT of lumber
2. student
3. Smoothie King-made the smoothies, cleaned, and cashier register

1. Macon
2. Macon
3. Macon

2. Lost
3. American Idol

1. San Antonio, Texas
2. Flordia
3. North Carolina

1. Disney World
2. Universal Studio
3. New Zealand

1. Bacon Cheese Burger
2. Pizza
3. Peach Slice Plus (smoothie)

1. Getting Married with Kaeli
2. Having a child after college
3. Becoming a CPA

1. Dachsund (5)
2. Cat (before I was allergic, weird I know)
3. Sister had guina pig

1. Mom
2. Christina
3. Jesse

1. Nickelback
2. Hillsong (all of them haha)
3. David Cook

1. Baseball
2. Basketball
3. Olympics

1. Coke
2. Water

1. Hanging out with Kaeli
2. Playing football with the guys
3. Swimming

1. Have to be somewhat funny
2. Nice
3. Loyal

1. Family
2. Friends
3. God

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Blog # 25!

My last blog to get an A-! Well it's two in the morning and I need to get some sleep. I wanted to least get to 25. I need to do 30 for a 99 for my blogs but I'm going to do them after my final tomorrow. So what to talk about...

Favorite Disney movies ever are The Mighty Ducks Movie. They were three and the first one is called The Mighty Ducks. It's about a lawyer, Gordon Bombay (Emilo Estevez), who wins every court case. That's his life and that's the way he wants it. One day he gets a DUI. He is sentenced to community service. His community service is to coach pee wee hockey. The same team he played in. In fact, his old coach is still coaching which is still the best team in the league. Well Gordon gets the worst team in the league and he ends up turning them worst to first.

D2 is the second movie of the series. Inspired by his own players, Bombay decides to try out in the minor leagues. After a career-ending knee injury, he is offered a chance to coach a team representing the United States in the Junior Goodwill Games. For this, he reunites his Ducks and introduces them to five new players from across the country to form Team USA. However, the lure of celebrity becomes a distraction to both Bombay and the players, and reality kicks in when they lose against Team Iceland in an embarrassing defeat. Frustrated, Bombay drives his players even harder, yet Team USA continues to suffer, until they come across a street hockey team who teaches them how to play like "the real Team USA". New player Russ Tyler (Kenan Thompson), who earlier mocked Team USA during its matches, is recruited into the roster. Bombay realizes the most important thing is to have fun and after a change in attitude, the Ducks redeem themselves by working up the playoff ladder to meet Team Iceland in the finals. Team USA proves to be a match for Iceland, but the game ends in a tie, resulting in a shootout, which the Ducks win.

The third and last movie is called D3. The movie shifts focus from Bombay to protége Charlie Conway (Joshua Jackson). Charlie and his teammates are awarded scholarships to Eden Hall Academy, a Minnesota highschool Bombay attended. Their arrival is met with hostility from the varsity team (mainly consisting of all white players who are members of rich families, whose younger siblings were not accepted to the academy to make room for the Ducks), as well as Bombay's hand-picked successor, Ted Orion (Jeffrey Nordling), whose emphasis on defensive two-way hockey irks Charlie. Not wanting to be on a team led by Orion, who he believes to be a washed-up former professional player, Charlie leaves the team, but rejoins as he learns the truth about Orion from Bombay. Charlie and Orion quickly bond in time for the JV-Varsity Showdown, and thanks in large part to the work of Charlie, the Ducks win on a shorthanded goal in the dying seconds of the game from unlikely goal scorer Greg Goldberg (who is converted from goalie to defenseman).

These movies are awesome. I advise you to watch them.