Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Random Facts

Random Fact # 1. I don't really hang out with people my own age. I never really have. Like in high school I hardly ever hung out with people in my grade. I mean I hanged out with my best friend Kevin but thats about it. Like I learned later that I was always invited to things Christina was invited to. It sucked but I got over it really quickly. It was nice to be asked instead of the twin thing. Anyways, now I'm hanging out with people who are a year older than me. A few friends of mine have lunch on Mondays and Wednesdays every week from twelve to two. The last month and a half we've been playing alot of hacky sack. It's really funny, the first day my friend like went to kick and he went up than down hard on the ground. It was so funny.

Random Fact # 2.
I have hobbit feet. The person who officially gave me the tile is my friend Jade. I don't remember what day it was but she looked at my feet and was like woah hobbit feet! So the name stuck. I have wide feet and I have a little hair on top of my feet and on my big toe and they do kinda look like hobbit feet.

Random Fact # 3. My favorite genres of music are Rock and Christian. My favorite bands are Nickelback and Hillsong. I pretty much listen to everyone except for RAP. I mean I listen to it now and than but I can never really get into it. I even liked the music from Phantom of the Opera.

Random Fact # 4. Good luck hurting me on the outside cause I have a high tolerance for pain. Unfortunately, I am a wuss a sensitive person.

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