Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Senior Picnic

The senior picnic was so awesome. The whole senior class got to go outside and get FREE food and hang out all of third period. It was relaxing for the first ten minutes. Sitting on the grass and talking to friends and enjoying the nice weather. Well someone got the football out and I went over and messed around. Well it was mostly white people over there and a couple of my black friends. Well some more black people (mostly our Varsity football players) came over and wanted to play a game.

I was excited for a good game. Well I turned my back and I realized that I was the only white person playing. I thought to myself, "What did I get myself into?" Thank God though to the fact that most of the biggest guys were on my team.

Offensive wise I hated playing. I got the ball ONCE. I was getting so irritated about this and the one time I do get it. The funniest thing happen. Before I get to that, there was a whole sideline of people watching this game and that made me nervous cause I don't want to be the guy who looks bad in front of whole bunch of people. Anyways, I caught the ball and took steps and this guy rams me so hard in the gut and he sends me flying. In my point of view, it felt like the matrix. Everything slowed down and like I was sitting in mid air. The ball wasn't in my hands anymore and I see it in front of me in mid air as well. Somehow I grabbed it and landed on my butt in the sitting position. And all I heard was ooooohhhhhhh. I'll admit I felt embarrassed.

Defensively wise, I stood my own. All these guys have been in Weight Training since 7th grade and I did it for one semester. So all these guys were strong and I knew I couldn't go head on with someone. I don't remember how many tackles I got but I got quite a few. The only way I could tackle someone was to go for his legs. It was kinda awkward doing it cause I had this big guy running at me and so basically I had to let him run over me and on the way down I grab his legs. You look stupid getting run over but still get the tackle. Everytime I did that I got mad cause the other team would laugh at the fact I got ran over even though I tackled the guy. It confused me.

Well when the game was over a whole bunch of people congratulated me about "playing with the big boys." The guys who made me smile the most was my friend Taylor. In the previous semester, Taylor and I had Weight Training and we played football alot. We were both really good. Anyways, Taylor was like "my boy!" It was a great moment for me but man I was so sore haha. Oh side not, my right shoulder got messed up sometime during that game and still hurts to this day when I do tweak it.

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