Monday, April 27, 2009

My BUSA 2201 Presentation....

At the beginning of the year my BUSA 2201 professor, Sanders, told us that we had to give a presentation about anything technological. We decided to do it on the TALON Family of Military.

Their are distinct “families” of robots that will be able to perform a variety of tasks, and will all be operated with one universal control unit. Today, TALON Ground Robotics includes four “families” that are easily distinguished by size: small, medium, large and extra large. Their names are Dragon Runner (15 to 50 lb), TALON (80 to180 lb), MAARS (300 to 400 lb)and TAGS-CX (5,000 to 6,000 lb) and they are all controlled with one new Digital Control Unit (DCU).

The Dragon Runner small tactical robot was originally developed for the U.S. Marines by Automatika, which became a Foster-Miller subsidiary in 2007. The basic model weighs 14 lb. The basic Dragon Runner gives users the ability to see around corners in urban and hostel environments.

TALON SWORDS or the Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection System, is a weaponized version being developed by Foster-Miller for the US Army. The robot is composed of a weapons system mounted on the standard TALON framework.

MAARS is the project FOSTER-MILLER is currently working on and it is more advanced then the TALON SWORDS. It is added with GPS to prevent, if not significantly reduce, the friendly fire of soldiers. The MAARS can shoot on a wide range and will not shoot in the area of friendly soldiers.

I could keep going and going cause there is so much information about all these robots. If are interested type in Foster Miller in Google to learn more and there are some great videos of these things on youtube.

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