Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mario's Quest for Princess Peach

So here's a video back from 12th grade. My sister is going to be really embarrass by it but she will, well might, get over it. Well Christina's AP Lit class had to create an epic story. They were allowed to be in groups and everyone except Christina's group did a story on paper. I wasn't even in the class and I was in the video all over the place. They needed an extra person, and I thought it would be fun and it was.


At the part where I fall and slide on the ground. I ended up bleeding from that. What can you say, I go all out with my performances haha.

Well at this rate, I don't think the video is going to upload. So if it ever does you can skip this paragraph. The group decided to create their own Mario scenario. Christina was Bowser and Boo. I ended up playing Boo cause Christina couldn't run in the camera right. Well the story starts off with Mario and Princess getting married and I'm the pastor. Than Bowser runs in and captures Princess Peach. And so the story continues on with Mario and Luigi trying to get Peach back.

Well the video was uploading and uploading and it took forever. The video is seven minutes long and I was surprised how big the size was. 1.54 GB I'm guessing its that size because theres like three songs on it.

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