Sunday, April 26, 2009

Prom 2009

So I get to go to my third prom and I am excited. I'm going to prom with my girlfriend Kaeli. We went to Men's Warehouse a couple of weeks to go to get my tux. I didn't want to spend to much money so I got the cheapest nicest looking tux there was. It totaled out to be $115. Kaeli's dress is black with purple and teal designs on it and so we debated about what I would wear. We decided on a black tux with a purple vest and euro tie. Kaeli doesn't like bow ties and so thats why we went with euro. I don't remember what the design was called for the vest.

If you were wandering why I'm talking about prom now and wait till after is because prom is on May 9 and I'll be done with school by than.

Our plans are to meet at my friend Rachel's house at four. We will probably take some pictures and head to Washington Park downtown in a Escalade. Rachel wanted to rent a car and I didn't care. I had to pay $25 for it though. Once we are done at the park, we are going to take pictures on the Wesleyan campus around the mountain. Than its dinner at Outback at 5:45. I'm thinking steak with mash potatoes. I'm getting hungry now thinking about it haha. Than it's prom at eight. Than after prom we are all going back to Rachel's house to spend the night. I'm not sure what we are doing yet but it should be alot of fun with everyone together hopefully.

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