Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April 21, 2009

Well today is my brother Richard's birthday. He has autism and he has a thing for numbers. If you ask him any Braves baseball player's number he'll tell you. I haven't figured out what numbers he likes on a dollar but I gave him one for his present. He likes dollar bills ALOT mostly just the one dollar ones. He also likes coins too like the gold dollar ones. Well today I gave him a dollar and he said the numbers were bad and he asked my sister to trade. Well the other day at Smoothie King, I got the tips out of the jar and someone left an oragomy frog looking thing made from a dollar. I was like sweet and I was to keep it and not spend it cause it looked really cool. Well I went into my wallet to get it and put it in my bag (it has a couple of $2 dollar bills and about ten gold dollar coins of the presidents) but it was UNFOLDED. I was like come on!!!!! =(

This is the thing with Richard, he likes things to be in their own places cause if I leave a dollar next to my wallet he'll put in my wallet for me. Well thats what I'm guessing what happened there. I was like =( but I cant stay mad at him for it. He was just putting something where it was suppose to be. The one thing he doesn't put back in place is our room. We share a room and I've always wondered why he doesn't clean. He has this thing where he thinks its HIS room and not mine and tells me to get out. He normally says, "Get our of my labatory" like Dexter from Dexter's Labatory (remember that show?). And its only my room when it needs to get clean. Go figure.

Like I said earlier its his birthday. His 22nd birthday in fact. We had cake and ice cream. Triple chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream. It was so funny when we were singing Happy Birthday. He also does this thing where he watches a certain TV show alot, he'll start calling us the names of the characters. Like he has been Fred (from Fred Flintones), Curly (from three stooges), Rudolph during Christmas time. Well today we got to the part where say Happy Birthday Richard and he yells ERIC!! (Eric from That 70's Show). I busted out laughing. Oh what made it more funny, he got a braves t shirt and hat from out grandmother and he tossed it onto his piece of cake and my mom and i busted out laughing.

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