Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Blog # 25!

My last blog to get an A-! Well it's two in the morning and I need to get some sleep. I wanted to least get to 25. I need to do 30 for a 99 for my blogs but I'm going to do them after my final tomorrow. So what to talk about...

Favorite Disney movies ever are The Mighty Ducks Movie. They were three and the first one is called The Mighty Ducks. It's about a lawyer, Gordon Bombay (Emilo Estevez), who wins every court case. That's his life and that's the way he wants it. One day he gets a DUI. He is sentenced to community service. His community service is to coach pee wee hockey. The same team he played in. In fact, his old coach is still coaching which is still the best team in the league. Well Gordon gets the worst team in the league and he ends up turning them worst to first.

D2 is the second movie of the series. Inspired by his own players, Bombay decides to try out in the minor leagues. After a career-ending knee injury, he is offered a chance to coach a team representing the United States in the Junior Goodwill Games. For this, he reunites his Ducks and introduces them to five new players from across the country to form Team USA. However, the lure of celebrity becomes a distraction to both Bombay and the players, and reality kicks in when they lose against Team Iceland in an embarrassing defeat. Frustrated, Bombay drives his players even harder, yet Team USA continues to suffer, until they come across a street hockey team who teaches them how to play like "the real Team USA". New player Russ Tyler (Kenan Thompson), who earlier mocked Team USA during its matches, is recruited into the roster. Bombay realizes the most important thing is to have fun and after a change in attitude, the Ducks redeem themselves by working up the playoff ladder to meet Team Iceland in the finals. Team USA proves to be a match for Iceland, but the game ends in a tie, resulting in a shootout, which the Ducks win.

The third and last movie is called D3. The movie shifts focus from Bombay to protége Charlie Conway (Joshua Jackson). Charlie and his teammates are awarded scholarships to Eden Hall Academy, a Minnesota highschool Bombay attended. Their arrival is met with hostility from the varsity team (mainly consisting of all white players who are members of rich families, whose younger siblings were not accepted to the academy to make room for the Ducks), as well as Bombay's hand-picked successor, Ted Orion (Jeffrey Nordling), whose emphasis on defensive two-way hockey irks Charlie. Not wanting to be on a team led by Orion, who he believes to be a washed-up former professional player, Charlie leaves the team, but rejoins as he learns the truth about Orion from Bombay. Charlie and Orion quickly bond in time for the JV-Varsity Showdown, and thanks in large part to the work of Charlie, the Ducks win on a shorthanded goal in the dying seconds of the game from unlikely goal scorer Greg Goldberg (who is converted from goalie to defenseman).

These movies are awesome. I advise you to watch them.

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