Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Heading

For my Macon State 1102 English class, I had to create a blog and write about misceallonus things on here as an assignment. I had to come up with a heading for this blog and it wasn't all that difficult to come up with one. "The Lone Y Chromosome" came to mind. The reason it came to mind is because I am the only one in the class with a y chromosome. It doesn't really bother me that I'm the only male in the class room. My first thought was that it was kinda funny how it turned out to be twenty girls and one boy. Another reason I chose the title because it kinda rhymes to me, the lone and the "some" part of chromsome. It's a poetry class, so i thought to myself, "It rhymes why not?"
The odds that I'm the only male to sign up for the class is odd. I guess guys didn't want to sign up for an english class at nine thirty in the morning, but I did. I don't really have a reason to why I picked Mrs. Aikin as my teacher. I guess for two reasons. The first one is that I wanted to get done with my classes as soon as I could for the day. The other reason is cause I heard Professor Aikins was a good teacher to have. My friends Amy and Mason recommended me so I said to myself, "Might as well."
I'm a little nervous about the class. I've been over this material before in my senior year highscool (went to Westsdie if anyone was wandering). So the material should be familiar with me. One problem though, english is probably my weakest subject. I've gotten much better at writing papers last semester and as a result i got an A in English 1101 so I was very excited how that turned out. The part where I bomb the most is poetry. I am terrible at explaining them and even writing one. All I can do is do my best. I've already got a study partner slash tutor. My twin sister Christina sits behind me in class. (She is one minute older if anyone was wandering.)
This ends my blog for today. Till next time. Hobey-ho